Friday, September 5, 2008

Stink and the Super Galactic Jawbreaker

By:Megan McDonald
Illustrated By: Peter H. Reynolds

This book is about a kid who sends all kinds of letters saying stuff about whats wrong with the stuff they sell and so they send him lots of free toys and candy . Judy Moody is Stink's sister. She gets jealous of what all Stink gets and she doesn't get anything ! Stink gets candy,robo toys and lots of jaw breakers . He got more than 21,000 jawbreakers ! His BEST friend Webster is in his class in school and when they were in the library Stink was trying to answer a question and his hands were stuck in his pajama's he was struggling to get out and he punched Webster in the face . It's a really great book!

By: Erin 4th grade

1 comment:

Mrs. Smith said...

This is a GREAT book... the Author is wonderful and creates really funny true-to-life children's characters. This is great to read to your class if you are a teacher or parent, or read by yourself if you are an independent reader.